
Notion Fundamentals: What are Blocks?

Notion Fundamentals - Learn How to Use Notion

In this Notion fundamentals video, Thomas Frank explains the basics of blocks inside of Notion. Blocks are containers for data that can take different shapes, such as text, images, embedded content, databases, and pages. Blocks come together to form the content in Notion, and they can be manipulated and moved around. Frank demonstrates how to create different types of blocks, including headings, to-do lists, toggle lists, and more. He also introduces the concept of a personal dashboard, which serves as a home base for organizing and accessing content in Notion. Frank provides tips and shortcuts for adding blocks, changing their settings, and creating a multi-column layout. He also mentions the Notion block reference, which provides examples of every block available in Notion. Overall, this video serves as a starting point for becoming proficient in using blocks in Notion.